Evolve GT Season Start And Scores

The Social Side of Riding Technology- Fostering Stronger Rider Communities

Pictures…Infocus, Brock Imaging, Apex Pro, Paddock


What a great start to the Evolve GT track day season! We want to thank you for making the first event of 2017 a great success. Passion and a love for this sport is why we are here and this can only happen with the support of the people sharing their experiences. Let’s think about the “YOUNG GUNS” for a minute…. mentoring a young person in these activities is so rewarding, nothing else seems as important. Growing older your vision changes and objectives go down different paths, learning never ceases. The expressions on these youngsters faces is all that is needed to know you are going in the right direction. There are many like us that you never hear of that work tirelessly in the background trying to support this such as John Ulrich from Roadracing World, The General Robert Schmidle and Andy Reiss who ran the first ever MotoGladiator event and who has mentored Brandon Paasch to the 2016 MotoAmerica KTM RC 390 Cup championship spot. There are so many great people in this industry that constantly struggle trying to help others. Our promise to the world is our staff of coaches and instructors will always stay focused for you. Give, it feels better anyway. Thanks VIR for letting us use your playground!

Revisiting the March 26th and 27th weekend let’s give a shout out to the people who made it happen. The people who have put their trust in us to provide a safe, structured and FUN track day! Stephen Leipold at Infocus Productions, Michael Brock at Brock Imaging and Joshua Barnett and Apex Pro Photography (who also ride). RJ Wade at Hazardous Racing who tries to keep us safe in great leathers, gloves and air vests. He even loaned his bike out to a racer! Andy Reiss, who I mentioned before, can without a doubt make anything work when it comes to timing and scoring with assistance from Katherine Robson and Gabe Picard partner and owner of Custom Performance who just happens to sling the Michelin brand. Did anyone pay attention to how much work goes into setting up, moving and taking down the air barriers? It’s not fun…but Scott, Danny, Jeff and Jessie stepped up to haul the box around and provide more manpower. Paul Robson for taking his time with the new young guns to train them in the right direction with the GT Race School. The spouses of all the Evolve GT staff who allow it all to happen (and have the organizational skill). Let’s not forget our partners at N2 Trackdays for sharing their events with ours to help bring the sport to another level.

The You VS You training was taken by Vincent Kim and Justin Haun with great results and a completely different way of thinking about how we learn – ask them about it.

Bill Sink for having the vision of something better and Mark Lienhard for writing this entirely too lengthy thank you. (old guy who still has visions of being faster)

Chris Ramsey (aka Kickstand) for the all around pinch man support.

If you agree with our direction, like, share, tweet, post, comment and do whatever else is needed to support this sport wherever you are… We have even bigger plans for 2017. Stay tuned!

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